
Showing posts from October, 2017

Fifth Age Session 2

I just played the second session of my mini sci-fi campaign (You can read about the first session here , and get the rules I'm using for it here . My review of those rules is here ). I'm really sorry it took so long, but lots of things were happening in my life that couldn't be avoided. I've set up with my players to do a weekly D&D game on Roll20 now, so I should be making posts like this one much more often. The plan is to do one more session of Fifth Age, then go through White Plume Mountain from Tales from the Yawning Portal . Now, onto the game! The players are: Cooper, a Synthetic (AI) Technician and Jeff, a genetically modified human operative (basically a rogue) The Players returned to the main planet in the system, to have a weeks downtime after escorting some miners and rescuing some people trapped on a space station under attack by a rogue Synthetic called The Purger.  After their downtime (Jeff won 60 credits on a slot machine!) we got i...

Battlefront 2 Beta Video List

OK, I’m really sorry I’ve been away so long. Lots of stuffs been happening in my life at the moment, so I haven’t had time to post. Anyway, here’s an updating list of all my Battlefront 2 Beta YouTube videos. I have 2 up now! This one features a crazy glitch that happened to me and a friend of mine while playing galactic assault. All the clone troopers looked like Rey, and all the Droids were invisible. I was also sometimes invisible. Another glitch I noticed was that, when playing with a friend online, I was often randomly thrown into strike matches where everyone was invisible. This new one shows some Strike gameplay. It mostly shows the officer, but the wookiee and the specialist are also present. Also, I'd like to apologize. I said I'd have another Fifth Age post up today. Well, due to circumstances beyond my control (they actually were) the session was cancelled. I'm trying to reschedule it ASAP. It should be up in a few days time. Come back soo...