Fifth Age session 1

I ran my first session of Fifth Age, the science fiction 5e setting, and it was pretty good. I was supposed to have 3 players, but 1 couldn't make it.

That meant that the gunner had to be the pilot, and they had to install a system to act as co-pilot. The players were:

  • "Cooper": A Synthetic (AI) Technician and
  • Jeff, A genetically modified human operative (basically a rogue)

We started off with the provided introductory adventure, and it went pretty well. They had to transport 50 clones to a mine so that they could replace a group of miners that were on strike. They spent all their money on repairs, and took off.
They had to bypass an asteroid field about 5 days into the trip, but rolled really high and got through without a scratch.

When they landed, the miners were turning into a mob, and attacked. After a few rounds of combat, they retreated to the ship and activated the laser turrets. The miners suddenly decided to leave shortly after that. Rude!

They got payed, and received a distress signal on their way back. A space station was under attack by an evil synthetic who viewed humanity as a disease.

They took out a few drones, and that was pretty much that. Until they found Bob, that is.

Bob was a cowardly synthetic that the evil on (The Purger) had forced to help him. The characters talked to him for a bit, and tried to convince him to help them. I was pretty open to the idea, so I went with it. We hadn't played for a while, so I'd forgotten what my players were like. Then the guy who played Cooper smiled evilly, and I could've hit myself.

They prepared to "hilariously" murder Bob after gaining his trust. Then Jeff decided against it. So, they talked for a bit, and a drone turned up and tried to kill Bob. Everyone kept missing. At one point, it would take 1 shot to kill the drone and one shot to kill Bob. The drone kept missing Bob and the players kept missing the drone.

They killed it eventually - right after it killed Bob!

Anyway, that was my first Fifth Age session. It was pretty good, but I reckon the next one will be better.

EDIT: You can see my review of fifth age here.


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