
Showing posts from September, 2017

My YouTube Channel is up!

I've just uploaded my first YouTube video. You can view it here . Yes, that's right. After hours of playing Battlefront, and hours of getting mad at Adobe Premiere, I finally did it. The video is of me playing Droid Run in the Sulfur Fields. I feel like it could be better, but I have a lot of stuff going on in my life at the moment, and won't have time to put another video up until the beta for Battlefront II. I wanted to have at least one video up before that, however, so that's that. If you enjoy the video, please subscribe to my channel and like the video. Speaking of which, if you like this blog, please subscribe to it. To try to make this post a little longer, I'll quickly tell you about a few things going on in my D&D life at the moment. My D&D group are planning a second Fifth Age session in a couple of weeks (you can read about the first one here ). We're having a new player join us. He'll be playing a cyborg who used to be a soli...

Why I Banned my Players from Playing Chaotic Neutral

Sorry I didn't post last week! These stories are about my recent 5e Planescape campaign. I should note that most of the campaign was good. I am documenting the crazy bits here. Two of the three players were chaotic neutral. They played it like chaotic evil half the time. The other player was chaotic good. He generally played it like chaotic neutral. The players were: Primal Rage: A white dragonborn fighter (CG) Pain: A Blue Dragonborn cleric (CN) Ella:  An Elf Wizard (CN) In the first session we played, they ended up face to face with the main villain of the session and a couple of his thugs. They let him kidnap their employer (a nice old halfling lady) because they didn't like the amount they were being payed. A few sessions later, a wizard attacked them when they tried to steal from him after he invited them into his tower and agreed to make them dinner. He was under an enchantment at the time, and couldn't help himself. They killed him. A while later...

A tale or two of craziness

Hello! Thanks to the one and a half thousand people who viewed my last post. This blog is growing! Now, this post is my attempt to document all the crazy stuff that has happened in D&D games to me in the last year and a half. Let's begin with my first ever campaign: Campaign the First (AKA Why You Should Read the Rules) MY PLAYERS!!!! DO NOT READ THIS BIT!!!! IT MAY HAVE SPOILERS FOR AN UPCOMING CAMPAIGN!!!! I didn't know what I was doing! I hadn't read the adventure! I thought a damage roll and an attack roll were the same thing (It was 5e)! We were playing LMOP which, looking back, I see would have been a fantastic adventure if I had a little more experience. I don't remember everything that happened, but I'm pretty sure I tried to create an epic adventure, which ended with mind flayers awakening the Tarrasque and supercharging it with energy from the far realm. I had no idea whether this was a good idea or a bad idea, but I now realize it sounds pre...