Why I Banned my Players from Playing Chaotic Neutral

Sorry I didn't post last week! These stories are about my recent 5e Planescape campaign. I should note that most of the campaign was good. I am documenting the crazy bits here. Two of the three players were chaotic neutral. They played it like chaotic evil half the time. The other player was chaotic good. He generally played it like chaotic neutral.

The players were:

  • Primal Rage: A white dragonborn fighter (CG)
  • Pain: A Blue Dragonborn cleric (CN)
  • Ella: An Elf Wizard (CN)

In the first session we played, they ended up face to face with the main villain of the session and a couple of his thugs. They let him kidnap their employer (a nice old halfling lady) because they didn't like the amount they were being payed.

A few sessions later, a wizard attacked them when they tried to steal from him after he invited them into his tower and agreed to make them dinner. He was under an enchantment at the time, and couldn't help himself. They killed him.

A while later, we played the "Into the light" adventure in dead gods. At one point, they decided to attack a church (that was kind of part of the adventure). They attacked it by dressing up as batman and killing as many guards a possible. 3 nights in a row! Now, this was a great session, I'm just saying this was weird.

Oh, except for one point in the session when they kidnapped a guard and tortured him for information (which he didn't have) in their own kitchen! Then they let him go. After he'd seen where they live! So, they became fugitives.

They killed two 10 year olds.

They killed the town dance champion because they didn't like his accent.

They killed a lawful neutral noble "because it was funny".

They became good friends with an assassin hired to kill them.

There was a moment in an adventure when 1 faction was in an inn, and were surrounded by another faction. The players were supposed to stop them from killing each other and starting a war. They shot one of the surrounding people because they were rude and ran away. Their assassin friend tried to salvage the situation after they fled, but failed.

And... that's about it.

If you would like more crazy stories, check this one out (the DM was the guy who played Pain).

If you like less crazy stories, try this one (the players were Pain and Primal Rage).

Just want to say a few things before I finish this post. I have a few hobbies/projects going at the moment, and I felt I should mention them here (it is called random hobbies).

  1. I'm trying to start a YouTube gaming channel. I'll be playing battlefront and battlefront 2 (when it come out. My name will be the battlefront berserker, and it should be up in a fortnight or so. Be sure to check it out!
  2. I'm trying to make an rpg using the 5e Open Game Licence. I might talk about that in a few weeks.
  3. Finally, I might try to make a volume 2 of my best selling DMs Guild product, Umbero's Compendium of Rare Races.
Until next time. Goodnight! (Or morning or evening or afternoon or whenever it is you're reading this)


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