Fifth Age: A hard science fiction 5e conversion is incredible

I recently downloaded Fifth Age, a homebrew, 5e compatible rule system for science fiction adventures in the 24th century.

I haven't gotten to read all of it yet, but what I have read looks extraordinary. It looks a tiny bit unbalanced, so might not fit in with a super long campaign with a rules lawyer. I'm planning to just run a session or two with it, however.

It features 7 sci fi races, mainly humans, AIs and Greyliens, humanities only true alien ally. There are 4 human subraces, each genetically modified in some way.

There are 6 new classes for this kind of adventure, although they only go up to level 10.

I can't imagine how much time this would have taken to make (there's 130 pages), and it's free.

There's also a character sheet for 5th age characters, an auto fill Excel sheet for making custom ships and an adventure.

I can't really explain how great it is in writing, but I will say this: It's free, it might not be for long, get it while you can.

The only thing that this epic PDF isn't overflowing with is monster stats, although there are a few robot stats.

EDIT: I turns out, it does come with tons of monster stats in the hazards handbook. Which makes it even better!

Luckily, Dungeon Musings has a big collection of sci fi monster stats! So check that out to!

If my players want to try this, I'll probably post a few session reports here. Wish me luck!

EDIT: Here's the first session report.


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